Farewells and Hellos …

Jem here! I was sad to say goodbye to two special friends at the cafe – Sam (Seungmin) and Michiko!

Sam has been coming to the cafe since April to participate in the language exchange. Kyndra bought him this beautiful rainbow cake! He’s heading to Kansas to study abroad for six months,image



Michiko is one of our original members. She joined the cafe back in October when we first opened and has attended diligently since. That’s 10 months! She was first introduced here by another member Naomi!

I’m sad to see her go… but hoping she’ll come back soon. T_____Timage

And a long time no see to Rayoung, my former student!

We were quite close and studied for over a year when she suddenly found out she was pregnant. So we took a break after that! Good to see her looking bright, healthy and now she’s a momma!image
